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Last week, I was chatting with one of my clients and she said something very interesting. We were discussing setting and sticking to goals and she said, "Well I'm sure you always succeed. You have your shit together."
I immediately jumped in. "Are you insane? I definitely do NOT always have my shit together," I reassured her.
Most of the time I am figuring it out along the way, just like you.
Most of the time I am second-guessing myself and fighting through fear, just like you.
Most of the time, I am really freaking scared.
The difference between people who seemingly have it all together and those who don't is simple: the ones who seem to have it together are the ones who don't give up. They are the ones who learn from their missteps and keep on going when others would have normally stopped. They are the ones who find a lesson in everything.
So no, I do not have my shit together, and I hope you know that. I just view obstacles and perceived failures as motivation. Want to tell me it can't be done? Watch me make it happen. Anyone can make up their mind to have that exact same outlook.
It's really that simple.

With love and bubbles,
CaraPosted byThe Champagne Dietat6:34 AM

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