Pin It Now!Happiness is a massive discussion. And I don't intend to cover all areas in this little newsletter, but I do want to share something with you. In fact, what I'm about to share just may change your life.

Yes, it's that real.
A few short years ago, my life was in complete disarray. It felt like everything within my reach was crumbling and I had absolutely no control over my circumstances or my emotions. Weight issues, a job that sucked the life out of me, credit card debt through the roof, a relationship that made me second guess myself on a daily basis, and zero plans for the future outside of being trapped in a corporate job that did nothing other than supply me with money to go fuel my shopping addiction.

Sounds pretty bleak, huh? It was.

It took a lot of work to crawl out of that mess. But I did it. And can you guess what my first step was?

Facing my fears.

Fear of opening up my credit card statements. Fear of ending my relationship. Fear of finally taking control of my health and wellness. Fear of not walking into Louis Vuitton every time I got paid. Fear of creating a new and satisfying career and actually getting the balls to pursue it. Fear of living a life that was authentic.

The minute I faced those fears, and developed the courage to walk through them, I discovered happiness. As I tackled each area of my life, it felt like the skies opened up and angels sang to me. Literally. It was as if someone removed a blindfold from my eyes. It was slow, but it happened. For the first time in my life, I was happy.

So if you're feeling trapped, miserable, stuck, depressed, or lost, please know that everything is completely fixable.

You've just got to become fearless.

With love and bubbles,

PS - My new book, Fearless & Fabulous: 10 Powerful Strategies for Getting Anything You Want in Life is out now! What a great place to start your journey, huh? Click here to buy. Posted byThe Champagne Dietat10:22 AM

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